Skateboarding is a sport that requires a lot of muscle movements. Young people often take up skateboarding faster than older people thanks to their flexible bodies and developing muscle groups.
Children over the age of 5 are best suited to start skateboarding. This sport is not as dangerous as you see it. As long as the rider adheres to safety rules, skateboarding will be fun, not dangerous. From the great benefits that this sport brings, I encourage you to let your children participate in skateboarding. So how to get started? Read this article in its entirety.
Get the best kids skateboards
To make skateboarding more convenient, choose a suitable skateboard:
Skateboards need to be suitable for skateboarding purposes. Does the kid want to do different tricks or do they want to cruise to his friend's house? There are different types of skateboards that are suitable for a certain purpose.
Select the skateboard size based on the kid's size. You need to know how tall and heavy they are so you don't buy a board that's too big or too small for them.
Choose good skateboard brands. A few reputable skateboard brands for kids that you should take into consideration are WhiteFang, Beleev mini cruiser, and Sansirp skateboard.
Suppose you bought a skateboard, so how to start skateboarding? Let's follow my personal guide:
No matter what age you start skateboarding, learning the basics are always needed. This is a step for starters to familiarize with the skateboard before serious skateboarding. The movements that you need to master as soon as possible are riding, pushing, stopping, and turning. Children especially need adult guidance in the early stages of practice, so make sure you spend enough time with them.
It will be safer when the kids can skateboard with their parents. You don't know how to skate? Don't worry, during practice with your kids you will learn alongside them. It is interesting that skateboarding can be learned by doing rather than learning theory. Alternatively, you can hire a teacher who is a pro skateboarder to guide your child. However, it can cost you a fortune. So, think about it!
In case you want to teach your child to skateboard yourself, here are 5 steps to get your child started:
This is very easy, you can teach your kids when you don't know how to skate. Your kid's feet should be shoulder-width apart, but you'll also need to make sure that the front foot is positioned near the front truck; The back foot is placed near the center of the skateboard. Ask the child if they are comfortable with this position. You can adjust the distance a little bit until the kid really likes that foot positioning. To easily understand how children feel, you can buy yourself a board to practice with them. You can refer to this list of cheap good quality skateboards.
Ask the kid to stand firmly with both feet flat against the deck. If you see them lift their toes or heels, fix it, or else they will lose their balance and fall easily. The force will shift to the balls of their feet as they lean forward. If they feel heavy in that part it means the feet are in place. Similarly, when leaning backward, the force will shift to the heels and heavy in that part. Practice again and again until they master it.
Stepping on and off the skateboard is a background exercise for pushing and stopping. This exercise is that they will take off one foot to the ground and then lift and put that foot back on the board. Repeat this exercise several times.
Unfortunately, the younger the child, the higher the risk of serious injury when falling off the skateboard. However, falling properly will reduce the risk of skateboarding. Teach them to fall on protective gear, or on softer parts like their buttocks.
After mastering all the fundamental movements, it's time to roll. Although they can balance well when the board stands still, you should not let them skate right away. Take their hands and walk them around. When you feel the child's certainty and confidence in the ride, you can begin to let go. Okay, the hardest part is over. Now you can rest and watch the happy face of the child playing with his skateboard.
Do you want to read more information about skateboards for kids as well as other useful tips and tricks? If the answer is yes, then check out SkateAdvisors now. Also, you can also find articles for adult skateboarders in this website in case you also want to learn to skateboard.
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- Address: 902 Avenue C, Brooklyn, NY 11218, United States
- Email: skateadvisors@gmail.comÝ kiến bạn đọc